
Travel recommendation platform

Govell is a web platform that helps travellers in the management and planning of their trips saving time and effort. Govell provides recommendation features using cutting-edge collaborative filtering techniques. We offer an innovative technological solution to a novel recommendation problem: suggest the most related travel companions to visit a particular place. At the same time, we leverage user information to produce personalised itineraries in order to enable our users to make the most of their trips.

Govell is capable of searching through millions of points of interest and addresses. This large-scale data is stored and processed using ElasticSearch, a powerful search engine. We employ modern clustering techniques to group all the points the user would like to visit based on the number of days, the proximity of the points and the estimated time to visit each point. Once our artificial intelligence module computes the clusters, Govell is able to create the optimal route for each day. In this way, our users enjoy their trips without wasting their precious time with inefficient itineraries.

As a commercial product, Govell offers:

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