
What we investigate

Lines of Research


Document, web, news, blogs, adSearch, Patrick (tweets).

Text & Data Analysis

Detection of sexual predators, medical records, unsupervised learning.


Indexing, query processing, distributed IR (Hadoop, Spark).


Recommender systems, personalisation, diversity, novelty, FilmYou.

Enterprise Search

Expert search, intranets (Solr).

Legal Patents

Degraded Information

Search over degraded text, mOCRa.


Formal models, evaluation, formal verification, knowledge representation.

Results of Research

The group has been partner in various joint projects, networks and platforms with prestigious research groups, companies and institutions at regional, national and international levels.

Group's research quality is reflected by many publications in reference conferences of the field such as ACM SIGIR, ACM CIKM, ACM RecSys, ACM SAC, ECIR, SPIRE, ACM ICTIR, DEXA, etc. and on high-impact journals such as ACM TOIS, Information Retrieval, Information Processing and Management, JASIST, Information Systems, etc.

As a result of the group interest in technology transfer, the IRLab has carried out several industrial projects: NowOnWeb, a news search platform; Lexisla, a searcher for legislative information; CoruñaCorpusTool, a tool for the management of linguistic corpus; adSearch, a web advertisement search engine; mOCRa, a mobile OCR application for mobile devices and phones; DeDoS, a demo for the high-similarity search technology; FilmYou, a distributed recommender platform, and Patrick, a geospatial topic analysis platform for tweets.

Research Projects


Prof. Álvaro Barreiro is the leader of IRLab. He is an ACM Senior Member, he has been member of the program committee of many top conferences in the field and has been reviewer for journals and national and European research agencies. He also has been the main researcher of several research and development projects funded by several governments and companies.

The group has among its members PhD in Mathematics, PhD in Physics, PhD in Computer Science and Computer Science engineers with extensive experience in research and technology transfer.