For many years, the IRLab has been applying its knowledge and research results to the development of useful and innovative applications in the field of information retrieval. All these developments are carried out in the CITIC, Research Center on Information and Communication Technologies, of which the IRLab is a founding member. The CITIC's mission is to provide research and development services to companies or institutions in the ICT field. The Quality Assurance Project Office of the center guarantees the quality of the developments carried out in the centre. The CITIC owns the ISO 9001 certification and UNE 166002 regulation and currently it is implanting the CMMI certification.
The IRLab is specially concerned about the use of software development methodologies that allow quality assurance of the final product as well as flexibility and reusing. To guarantee these objectives, the group uses agile variants of Rational Unified Process software development methodology which allows an iterative and incremental process, with continuous verification and products that can be delivered at the end of each iteration. Furthermore, the software architectures applied in our products allows their scalability, to face with processing of huge amounts of information, distributing the processing among various computers.
As a result of the group interest in technology transfer, the IRLab has carried out several industrial projects: NowOnWeb, a news search platform; Lexisla, a searcher for legislative information; CoruñaCorpusTool, a tool for the management of linguistic corpus; adSearch, a web advertisement search engine; mOCRa, a mobile OCR application for mobile devices and phones; DeDoS, a demo for the high-similarity search technology; FilmYou, a distributed recommender platform, and Patrick, a geospatial topic analysis platform for tweets.